We at iDealsHunt.com, ensure utmost care with the information you provide to us on our website. All customer information is transmitted using the Internet-standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol. During the encryption process, information is scrambled into small bits of code that cannot be read as they travel to us over the Internet. All of the information you provide during the ordering process is restricted only to us. We make sure that all of our employees are up-to-date on our security and privacy policies. We never share your information with anyone.
The amount of tax charged to your order depends on the type of item purchased and the destination's Provincial and local sales tax laws. If an item is subject to sales tax, tax is calculated on the total selling price of each individual item, after any applicable discount.
Unfortunately not - Once an order is submitted it cannot be modified or cancelled. The good news? You can return your order by mail, contact us for the details.
Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with your tracking and shipping information.
Delivery time is between 12 - 20 business days. We will keep you updated on the shipment status.
For information on returning an item please Contact Us
We aim to process returns within 2 working days of receiving them. As long as the returned items meet our refund criteria, your refund will be with you 24-48 hours after your return is processed, depending on your card issuer.